4 Ways To Collect Realistic Customer Feedback
Big names of ecommerce industry, like eBay and
Amazon, have been utilizing customer reviews in the best favor of their
businesses. Such reviews have been helping their customers to make a confident
purchasing decision. Their 40% electronics’ customers revealed that they wouldn’t
buy anything unless read the product reviews. Another study by Advances in Economics
and Business based on influence of product reviews on purchasing decision of
the buyers showed that 85.57% participants consider reviews quite often before
buying online. And, out of all those participants, 83.65% make a comparison
between positive and negative reviews before buying.
Benefits Of Using Customer Reviews
Customer reviews also help in gaining product
insight, which is integral to predict the behavior of shoppers, for which there
are many reporting tools available. Relying solely on the reporting tools or
the sophisticated data isn’t a wise approach. Getting direct feedback from the
customers can help retailers in predicting what customers are thinking. The
additional benefit of getting direct customer reviews is strengthening relationship
with the customers. The more you show care the better will be your business
image, resulting in improved sales.
How to collect customer reviews or suggestions? This
post will help that purpose. Keep reading!
Product Reviews-Based Feedback
By asking customers to rate a product or provide
feedback about certain products, merchants can improve the product development
and marketing strategies. A proper rating or feedback system will help you in
determining which features to add and which to remove. The following product
review systems could be implemented for better feedback.
Product Review script: It’s
licensed software, used at Amazon, allowing users to rate products on 1-5 scale
and to add comments if they have any. On receiving every review, the merchant
is notified by an email. The reviews are posted on the site after being
approved by the merchant. This software is available against $125 as onetime
fee or on lease against $50/year.
Product review app: It
has been used at Shopify. It adds a product review box at the product pages. Merchants
can customize the reviews without knowing how to code. The amazing thing is that
the product review box automatically adjusts with the e store design. It helps
managing, filtering, and exporting product reviews efficiently. The review
scores could also be added to the Google search results.
Product testimonials extension: If
you want to show product reviews in PrestaShop, this FME's PrestaShop product reviews module is the best. It allows
only actual buyers of the product to post reviews. The testimonials could be
about website, service, or product. Customers can also rate other testimonials
as well. It’s affordable (€69) and easy to manage. This extension is also available on official PrestaShop Forum here.
Collect Social
Media-Based Feedback
Social media platforms are powerful enough to make or break the
image of a business. Similarly, to collect customer feedback, these channels
could be made good use of. It’s not just about receiving customer feedback, but
to comment and communicate with them, which helps in building business repute. E
merchants should keep track of the customers’ reviews about their products on
social channels. It could be done by using local search options of the social
media sites. Social Mention and UVRX are the sites helping in searching across
different social platforms and blogs. For exact search in these tools, use the
query within quotation marks. It won’t display individual terms.
Email Based Feedback
Through emails, you can engage with customers
privately. This approach could be utilized for follow-up on online buying or
the customer service provided. If there is an existing email marketing system
working for your e business, you can incorporate the feedback system into that
for better response. You can also use an autoresponder for every customer or
the subscriber to rate the products or the services.
Live Chat Based Feedback
The best approach to answer any queries in a real
time manner is conducting a live chat. You can know why people visit your site
and can answer any of their queries about the product or service. With live
chat, you can recommend the best relevant products people are looking for and
can help shoppers in smooth navigation of the site. There are customizable live
chat solutions to include in your e store like BoldChat, Website Alive, and
LiveChat. These are mobile friendly and have reporting features as well.
Have you realized how important it is to collect
customer feedback and to include their reviews at your online store? It helps
in improving the business image, building stronger relationships with the
clients, and helping them in easy shopping online.
Share your views or experiences of using product
reviews at your e shop.
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